2021 Filmmakers' Page

Contact details, Key dates and links to all you need for an amazing festival experience

General enquiries: myfilm@winchesterfilmfestival.com
Film files (Mp4 or .mov) send to filmfile@winchesterfilmfestival.com
Enquiries about accommodation and travel: myfilm@winchesterfilmfestival.com
Enquiries about attending screenings: john@winchesterfilmfestival.com

Phone enquiries: +44 (0)7734 470633 (standard and WhatsApp)

IMPORTANT  NEWS – Please read this if you have submitted a film to the 2020 edition of the festival.

Firstly, we at Winchester Film Festival hope that you are safe and well.

During global COVID_19 pandemic it has been a testing a challenging time for everyone, most of whom have had to reschedule commitments and, sometimes, sadly cancel them.  As a festival, our priority is both to the honour our commitment to filmmakers and to ensure the safety of you and the viewing public. We are also of the belief that festivals require real people in real places in order for filmmakers and audiences to get the full festival experience, so we have discarded the option of an online festival.

We hoped to be able to confirm by now that WFF would take place in May 2021. However, extended pandemic restrictions in the uk have meant that this date was over-optimistic, as theatres and cinemas will unlikely be available , international travel restrictions may still be in place and the public will be naturally cautious about attending. 

To ensure that audiences have the best possible festival experience and that filmmakers (national and international) are all able to attend, we are currently looking at November 2021 as the most viable dates to hold the festival.   

If you have any urgent questions, please contact John Hayes on +44 (0)7734470633 (WhatsApp). 

If you are a filmmaker who has submitted a film to this 2020 edition and have not received an email from us, please contact us immediately at myfilm@winchesterfilmfestival.com
It is of paramount importance to us that all filmmakers are kept up-to-date with the progress of their film. As far as we are aware we have confirmed receipt of every film that has been entered and sent emails to every filmmaker about the progress of their film. However, sometimes these emails are missed, blocked or diverted to spam. If this is the case, please contact us so that we can welcome you properly and treat your film with the enormous respect it deserves. Thank you. 


IMPORTANT: Please read all of this page as it contains vital information for filmmakers about film files, screenings,  complimentary tickets laurels, photographs & reviews. 

WFF_2020 Long List  announced here 

WFF_2020 Official Selection announced here 

Official Selection Laurels
Official Selection Laurels for films in categories: 
Best Feature Film 
Best Foreign Short Film
Best British Short film
Best Short Documentary
Best Animated Short
Download here from 1st November 2020  

Official Selection laurels for films in the category:
Best New Foreign Director
Best New British Director

Download here form 1st November 2020

Official Selection Laurels for films in category:
Hampshire Prize
Download here from 1st November 2020

Full Festival Programme available here now

Film Files  for all films in the Official Selection to be sent as .mov or mp4 (unless we have contacted you specifically for another file formate) by 15th December 2020 either by Wetransfer or a similar platform to filmfile@winchesterfilmfestival.com 

Film Trailers
If you have a trailer for your film, please send a downloadable link before 15th November to myfilm@winchesterfilmfestival.com
Trailers help us to support and market your film.

WFF_2020 Winners and Special Mentions will be announced on the home page on the final day of the festival week, which we envisage to be sometime in May.  

Laurels for winners and special mentions available to download here from the final day of the festival week (May 2021 provisional).

Complimentary tickets to screenings. All filmmakers who entered WFF_2020 are allocated 2 complimentary tickets to all screenings.
Waiver code: FILMMAKER2020

Official festival photographs published here 10 days after the festival week. 

Official festival film footage and interviews with filmmakers published here 14 days after the festival week.

Film Reviews published here two weeks after the festival end date.

Winchester Filmmakers Information Pack can be downloaded here from March 2021

Box Office goes live in May 2021 – subject to COVID_19 restrictions.  

We will endeavour to screen all films in the Official Selection. However, due to potential disruptions due to the COVID pandemic, this will be dependent on the availability of screening venues and on the rules and regulations set out by the government regarding seating in screening venues.  Details of the full festival programme will be released in February 2021. 

Attending the screening of your film

Once the screening dates have been confirmed and published,  could you please confirm 15 days after dates published  to myfilm@winchesterfilmfestival.com, 
if you can introduce your film at its screening in Winchester, and be available for a filmed interview prior to or after the screening. We strongly recommend that you attend the screening of your film if you are able to.

Unable to attend the screening of your film

If you are unable to attend the screening of your film, please send max 60 second video introduction to your film, to be showed prior to the screening of your film, to filmfile@winchesterfilmfestival.com

Awards and Prizes
All films included in the Official Selection will be eligible for the WFF_2020/21 awards. Films not screened during the festival week are no less likely to be award winners than those films screened during the festival week. The Winners and Special Mentions of each category will be announced  during the festival week.

Award Ceremony and Filmmaker’s social party
Due to the COVID_19 pandemic it is uncertain whether there will be an onsite black-tie Gala Award Ceremony or Filmmaker’s social party this year, though we will be monitoring the situation.

Travel and Accomodation
Subject to COVID_19  government restrictions and guidelines. 

Entries WFF_2022 by invitation only. If you have been here included in this or any previous WFF Official Selection, you are eligible to be considered for WFF_2022 if you have a new film released in 2021/22. Please contact myfilm@winchesterfilmfestival.com for more information about the invitation process.


Keep up to date with all festival news, screenings and key dates by signing up to our newsletter. We'll only send you news directly related to the film festival and won't share you details with anyone.*

Contact Us 

For general enquiries about the festival and festival screenings, please email enquiries@winchesterfilmfestival.com
or you can get in touch via our contact form.

For enquiries about partnerships and sponsorships, please email enquiries@wfa.uk.com 

Winchester Film Festival is run by Winchester Film & Art CIC
Responsible also for the satire magazine SMUG

copyright @ 2018 Winchester Film Festival